Report Text About School : Part 1
There are 3 kind of process conducted in a school. They are acceptance, teaching and learning process, and evaluation. Acceptance is the students registration. It's done in the beginning of the year. Teaching and learning process is done during the year. It consists of giving lesson to students. The last is the evaluation. The evaluation is done in the end of the year to measure the student's ability after teaching and learning process.
To conduct those kinds of process, school is helped by administrative staff. The staff manages the time from the beginning to the end of year. (Sumber : Internet)
Report Text About School : Part 2
School is a place for children's upbringing. the purpose of school is to teach about teaching children to be able to advance the nation's children .Sekolah is an institution designed for the teaching of students / pupils under the supervision of the teacher. Most countries have systems of formal education, which is commonly compulsory. In these systems, students progress through a series of schools. The names for these schools vary by country (discussed in the Regional section below), but generally include primary school for young children and secondary school for teenagers who have completed primary education.
In addition to the core schools, students in a given country may also have access to and follow good schools before and after primary and secondary education. Kindergarten or pre-school provide some school children were very young (usually aged 3-5 years). University, vocational school, college or seminary may be available after secondary school. A school may also be dedicated to one particular field, such as the school of economics or a school of dance. Alternative schools may provide curriculum and non-traditional methods.
There are also non-government schools, called private schools. Private schools may be for children with special needs when the government can not give special school for them; religious, such as Islamic schools, Christian schools, hawzas, yeshivas, and others, or schools that have a higher standard of education or seek to develop other personal achievements. Schools for adults include institutions of corporate training and military education and training.
In homeschooling and online schools, teaching and learning take place outside the school sek word comes from the Latin: skhole, Scola, scolae or skhola that means: time to spare or leisure time, wherein when the schools are leisure activities for children children in the middle of their main activities, namely play and spend time to enjoy childhood and adolescence. Activities in the spare time is to learn how to count, how to read letters and recognize moral (character) and aesthetic (art). To assist in the activities Scola children accompanied by an expert and understand the psychology of the child, so as to provide maximum opportunity for children to create his own world through a variety of lessons above.
Currently, the school changed the meaning of the word becomes: is a building or institution for learning and teaching as well as a place to receive and give pelajaran.Sekolah headed by a Principal. The headmaster is assisted by a deputy chief sekolah.Jumlah vice principal at each school is different, depending on the needs. School buildings are arranged to take advantage of rising land available and can be filled with other facilities. (Sumber :
Report Text About School : Part 3
School is an institution that was designed specifically for teaching the disciples (students) under the supervision of teachers. Most countries have a model in a formal education system where it is compulsory. In addition, the system is also likely to make the students able to progress through a series of schools.
The name of each school also vary based on the country itself, but most primary school for young children while secondary school for teenagers who have completed their primary education. Schools that basically as a means to implement the education is expected to make a more advanced society, therefore, the school as a center of education should be able to carry out their functions and roles can optimally prepare the younger generation before they plunge in the community development process.
With over school resources, all people can train themselves to be citizens of the community and social community that continues to improve new attitude, knowledge and skills to achieve a standard of living much better. There also the value of public and private life, the opportunities for development as well as increased productivity can be dug and then developed. In addition, the existence of a school at least can be interpreted as a center of excellence of character formation that is more critical of society and also have the skills to much more developed. This context means the school can provide more value to all parties, from parents and communities that surround the school. Given the facts about the role of schools, then we will also need to revitalize the strategic significance of the school. In addition, understanding the school should also be interpreted broadly so that the impression given mission is to educate students into beings who kamil.
The type and size of the school also vary depending on the purpose of education providers and resources. Maybe a school can be very simple or a school with a very large complex of buildings and facilities are complete, it can certainly affect the quality and the quality of teaching and learning activities. That notion that schools need to understand. (Sumber :
Semoga membantu ^o^
Salam : Anam :D
Modal Google Translate yaaak, Nam? :p
Nggak lah :p
thank you anam, buat tugas sekolah ini soalnya :D salam kenal
wes lah cuk skuy
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